[ about company ]

Service Oriented FilterPress Company

1935 to date. A milestone of progress. And still going strong. That’s the saga of Nanubhai Mavjibhai Patel Group of Industries (NMP). The leader in Wooden Filter Press Plates. Frames, Cast Iron Filter Press, Polypropylene Plates, and Wooden Vats in India. It all started with our founder-father, the late Nanubhai Mavjibhai Patel, whose vision and dynamism inspire us to achieve greater today. The seed he planted and carefully nursed has blossomed into a gigantic tree whose expanding branches have the inherent message of fertile growth. And is still growing. Shri Nanubhai Mavjibhai Patel from humble beginnings worked for several years with his nephew in the Saw Mill Industry which manufactured articles of wood. Not satisfied with that he branched out to manufacturing wooden filter press plates, frames, and wooden vats since 1952. primarily for the use of the chemical and dyestuff industries in India.

The Nanubhai Mavjibhai Patel Group of Industries can be credited as a major and consistent contributor to wooden pressure filtration technology in India. Over 35,000 wooden filter press plates, frames, and wooden vats. installed all over India and abroad, bear eloquent testimony to that. The sacred tradition is carried down by the younger generation of the NMP family since 1973. keeping alive the hopes and aspirations of the pioneers. late Nanubhai and late Shivlal Patel. True corporate achievement includes a commitment to the society in which the business organization functions. To commemorate the memory of its founder, NMP has along with Lions Club set up a Blood Bank in Bilimora besides a Cultural Centre in a leading college.

[ Why Choose Us ]

Our Promises and Values

TIME -- Time bound delivery on account of large installed capacity at five production centres.

CONFORMITY -- Conformity to international standards and specifications maintained by our highly-qualified and experienced Inspectors.

SUPPLY -- Over 40 years of experience in exports and domestic supply.

SERVICE --Prompt after-sales service

[ about Work ]

How We Work?

Comprehensive Manufacturing Facilities

  • NMP’s constantly upgraded facilities include a modern foundry, machine shop, and woodworking workshop. seasoning plant. molding of polypropylene and engineering dept- all integrated and geared to serve you in the most efficient. expeditious manner.

Sophisticated Engineering Unit

  • The well-equipped machine shop for accurate machining to exacting requirements completes the full NMP filter press manufacturing service. Our workshop comprises various types of machinery and tools for manufacturing C.I. Filter Press. C.I. Plates. Frames and P.P. Plates. The installed capacity of the workshop is suited to produce 300 filter presses of different sizes a year.

Spirit Of Innovation

  • We have ambitious plans on the anvil for
    Complete range of Polypropylene Plates/Frames.

  • Nothing is too big or too small for us. An order for the replacement of filter presses. plates and frames, a repair, a proposal for updating an existing installation all receive the same prompt attention from our key personnel.

[ how it works ]

From N. M. Patel & Co.

What is Filter Press and how it work?

A filter press is a piece of equipment used in liquid/solid separation. Specifically, the filter press separates the liquids and solids using pressure filtration, wherein a slurry is pumped into the filter press and is dewatered under pressure.

What are filter presses used for?

Filter presses are used in a wide range of industries, including chemical, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, mining, and wastewater treatment.

How does a filter press work?

A filter press works by pumping a slurry into the press, typically under high pressure, which forces the liquid (filtrate) to pass through the filter medium and the solids to accumulate on the filter medium as a cake.

What are the advantages of using a filter press?

Some of the advantages of using a filter press include high filtration efficiency, low operating costs, easy maintenance, and the ability to handle a wide range of solids and liquids.


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